Do you like us? Take us home!
We are a family-run ice-cream manufacturer, who makes ice-cream daily using traditional methods. We allow nothing but the best-quality ice-cream with no artificial substances. In fact, the vast majori
ty of ice-creams today contain some artificial preservatives, flavourings or colourings. What’s more, many producers tend to use prefabricated pastes as it makes the process of manufacturing significantly easier.
No shortcuts!
Freshness, variety, creativity and most importantly, high quality is our guarantee that we take what we do seriously.
Angelato ice-cream will always be based on these key principles.
fresh ice-cream made manually and daily in small portions. Its taste and smell are intensive: you can’t make a mistake.
we use only natural ingredients, no artificial or prefabricated ones
such as chemical stabilizers, flavourings, colourings or additives.
we prefer local products and we support small-sized farmers.
we place a lot of focus on seasonality and if possible, we work only with fresh ingredients.
In the gooseberry season, we go gooseberry! In the asparagus season, we go asparagus!
In Prague, we are unique in our combination of tastes. We are here for everyone who’s not afraid of original ideas. Where else can you taste pumpkin, rice, rhubarb, elder, avocado, olive, lavender or nettle ice-cream.
No limits.
milk-based ice-creams are gluten-free (except for the biscuit one) and sorbets are also lactose-free.
Our ice-cream has gathered a varied community of great people – true ice-cream lovers – which continues to grow. Friends’ friends, acquaintances’ acquaintances.
Angelato is an inspirational place to meet your friends and soak up the atmosphere. The esprit. The mood.
And that’s what it’s all about.
We like to make both other people and ourselves happy. Our recipe for life is a good mood, passion, honesty and warmth. A kind of a perpetual motion machine of positive energy.
But that’s not all.
Make her, him happy – and make yourself happy along the way.
We believe that the key to success is your satisfaction, but the most important thing for us is to always pamper and indulge you.
Enjoy your ice-cream!
We can’t wait to see you!
Angelato was born in 2007 from the simple idea of making high-quality ice-cream. Back then, we had no idea whether our project would have any success, but what we had was a vision, optimism and enthusiasm, which kept pushing us forward. None of us had any professional culinary experience, it was a spontaneous idea and challenge, but at the same time it was – and still is – an exciting and inspirational journey. Today we are living our dream. We never give up and keep going towards our goal.
We enjoy Angelato.
And we are proud of it.
A s námi to celé začíná.
ZLATKO KEBAKOSKI, inženýr ekonomie je hlava projektu a vizionář.
BILJANA KEBAKOSKA skočila ze světa novinařiny a studia světové literatury do světa kulinářského umění. Stojí za kreativními a netradičními nápady chutí zmrzlin a na starosti má i marketing a komunikační strategii.
BOJAN DIMITRIJEVIĆ si ze studia na dopravní fakultě v Bělehrade „odskočil“ rovnou do světa distribuce, velkoobchodu a logistiky Angelata.
Děláme prací která nás nesmírně baví a naplňuje, má význam a smysl. Z toho máme dobrý pocit, stále se něco nového učíme, rosteme a rozvíjíme se. Věříme v jiný způsob myšlení. Jsme hraví, kreativní a baví nás život takový, jaký si ho sami osladíme. Naším cílem je ukázat, jak doopravdy chutná zmrzlina.

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